Frequently asked questions

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What cloud accounts can I add to Cloud Spend Bot?
Cloud Spend Bot now supports AWS accounts. Support for other accounts such as GCP or Azure is in development.
How do I link my AWS account?
You can link your AWS account via the app UI. You will create a new IAM user with access to AWS billing and provide Cloud Spend Bot with the access credentials.
How often and at what time will I receive the Slack cloud spend summary?
You will receive a Slack message with your cloud spending every day at a specified time and in your selected channel. You can specify different times and channels for different cloud accounts.
How many cloud accounts can I add?
During your 14 day trial, you can add up to two accounts. After you upgrade to a paid subscription the number of cloud accounts you can add is unlimited and you are charged per each account.
What other features are you working on?
We bring you a full summary of your cloud spend via a simple overview in Slack. In addition, you receive information about spike alerts and we are actively working on implementing methods that will suggest possible savings and more analyses.
Can I beta test development features?
Absolutely! Just get in touch, we welcome all feedback.